Our “No Win, No Fee” promotion is designed to make legal representation accessible and affordable. By choosing us, you can pursue your claim with confidence, knowing that you only pay if the solicitor wins your case. Contact us now to discuss the case and take the first step towards achieving the compensation you deserve.

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Understanding “No Win, No Fee” Offer

We understand that pursuing a legal claim can be a daunting and financially stressful experience. To alleviate this burden, The solicitors offer a “No Win, No Fee” promotion, officially known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This arrangement is designed to provide you with peace of mind, ensuring that you do not have to worry about legal fees unless your case is successful.

What Does “No Win, No Fee” Mean?

In simple terms, “No Win, No Fee” means that you do not pay any legal fees if your claim is unsuccessful. This removes the financial risk associated with taking legal action, allowing you to seek justice without the fear of incurring costs if the case does not go in your favor.

How It Works

  1. Initial Consultation: We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case and determine its viability.
  2. Agreement: If we agree to take on your case under the “No Win, No Fee” arrangement, we will sign a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).
  3. Legal Representation: A solicitor will represent you throughout the legal process, working diligently to achieve a positive outcome.
  4. Successful Outcome: If your claim is successful, we will deduct a percentage of the compensation awarded as our fee.

Our Fees

The fee we charge upon a successful outcome typically is 25% of the compensation awarded. The exact percentage is determined based on individual circumstances, which include but are not limited to:

  • Complexity of the Case: More complex cases that require extensive investigation and legal expertise may incur higher fees.
  • Estimated Duration: Cases expected to take a longer time to resolve may have a higher percentage fee.
  • Value of the Claim: Higher value claims may result in a lower percentage fee due to the larger overall compensation amount.
  • Risk Assessment: Cases with a higher risk of not succeeding may have a higher percentage to offset the potential costs.

Transparency and No Hidden Charges

We pride ourselves on transparency. With the “No Win, No Fee” promotion, you can rest assured that there are no hidden charges. The percentage fee we agree upon at the start of the process is the only charge you will incur if your claim is successful. All other costs associated with your case, such as court fees and expert witness fees, are covered by us unless otherwise specified upfront.

What are Termination Fees?

If you cancel your agreement with your solicitor, then a termination fee may apply, which you can discuss directly with your solicitor.

Can I make a claim directly?

Criminal Injury Claims

For those who believe they have a criminal injury claim, it is not necessary to engage a claims management company. You can submit your claim yourself, at no cost, directly to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

Minor Road Traffic Accidents

If you have a minor personal injury claim as a driver or passenger in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you do not need to use the services of a claims management company. You may present your claim yourself, for free, through the Official Injury Claim Portal.

Uninsured or Untraced Drivers, Foreign-Registered Vehicles, or Accidents Abroad

In cases where you are involved in a road traffic accident with an uninsured or untraced driver, or if the accident occurred in the UK with a foreign-registered vehicle, or even if the accident happened abroad, you do not need to rely on a claims management company. You may file your claim for free directly with the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB).

Get in Touch

If you believe you have a claim and would like to take advantage of our “No Win, No Fee” promotion, please contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Let us help you seek the justice you deserve without the worry of upfront legal costs.

Call 0800 180 4001 to speak to our advisers.
We are available 24/7.